Furnace Maintenance Tips You Can do Yourself

During winter, the furnace is one of the most important components in your home. A properly maintained system will deliver maximum heat output without wasted energy or the risk of harmful emissions. On the other hand, if you defer maintenance for too long your furnace could become costly to run, harmful to indoor air quality or even break down when you need it most. And if a repair technician determines that your system failed due to lack of routine maintenance, then you could be stuck with the full repair bill.

To ensure your home furnace operates optimally when it's cold outside, you should employ the following maintenance tips to prepare your furnace for winter.

Start Your Maintenance Early

The coldest nights always seem to present the perfect opportunity for a spontaneous furnace failure. Prevent this with a proactive approach by conducting your furnace maintenance every year while the weather is still warm or mild. Getting the jump on your annual maintenance will give you plenty of lead time if you discover the need for repairs.

Administer the Eye Test

Before you start work on your furnace, give it a quick visual inspection. In gas furnaces, the venting pipe should be securely fastened and angled. In addition, other tubes – such as drainage tubes that may also serve the air conditioning system – should be securely fastened as well. This is also a good time to smell around the system's gas line, which is usually a flexible tube. If an aroma of rotten eggs is detected, it means the furnace has a gas leak.

Clear the Drainage Tube

Natural gas and propane furnaces produce small amounts of water as they heat. Some of this is blown out as exhaust steam, but the rest drains from the power exhaust manifold to a drip pan that is often shared with the air conditioner. If the drainage tube clogs, water could fill the manifold and the flame sensor would shut the system down. Keep the drainage tube clear by detaching it from the manifold and blowing compressed air through the tube and drain pipe. You can also pour a cup of white vinegar through the drainage tube and pipe to help prevent a filmy buildup.

Inspect the Thermostat Wires

Once the power has been shut off and the furnace doors removed, begin your furnace maintenance by giving the furnace wires a slight pull to ensure they are tight and properly fitted.

Dust and Vacuum

Dust, dirt and debris can cause a furnace to work sub-optimally or in some cases, not at all. To avoid this problem, use a soft-tipped paint brush applied gently against the inner components of the furnace to loosen dust and debris without damaging the furnace's interior. Once the brushing is complete, remove the material with a portable vacuum.

Clean the Flame Sensor

A dirty flame sensor in a gas furnace will stop the unit from working all together, so clean this part at least once a year. Unscrew the sensor from the furnace and then, holding it at the bottom, clean the sensor with an emery cloth. Once the sensor is clean, it can be replaced, and the door reinstalled.

Furnace Filter Maintenance

Changing your filter is the most important thing to do to ensure your furnace and air conditioner's longevity and performance, saving you up to 5-15 percent on your energy bill.  One of the biggest culprits behind equipment issues are dirty filters which can:

  • Restrict airflow, which puts additional strain on the fan motor that after time can make your motor burn out, your system overheat or your equipment fail.

  • Force your fan motor to overwork which uses more energy, can cause damage to your system and significantly raises your utility bill.

  • Drastically reduce your indoor air quality which can aggravate allergies, asthma and other illnesses.

  • Clog ductwork with debris which can decrease your equipment's life span and lead to costly repair or replacement expenses.

The furnace's filter was likely replaced when it was last inspected, but it should be replaced every one to three months, unless otherwise instructed by the manufacturer of the furnace. Homes with smokers or pets will likely need to change their filters more regularly than other households.

Set a date on the calendar after the cleaning to easily remember when the filter should be changed. Some homeowners also find it easier to simply replace the filter on the first day of every month. In addition to the filter, you should keep the area around the furnace clean and free of obstructions, especially combustible materials. This allows the furnace to run properly and avoid potential damage to the unit, its performance or your home.


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